4 hot and cold drinks with dates

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Dates are used in the preparation of all kinds of foods, desserts, sweets, cakes, drinks, and more. Dates with a sweet taste, chewy texture, and candy give a variety of edible flavors to the individual. For this purpose, in this article, we will introduce you to the types of hot and cold drinks that can be made from dates. So stay with us till the end.


Cold and hot drinks with dates

The sweet taste of dates alone might make you a little sad. However, this substance with rich nutritional value cannot be ignored. The best thing is to prepare seasonal drinks with it. Therefore, in this section, as promised at the beginning, we want to learn how to prepare various hot and cold drinks with dates.


How to make date juice

Dates juice is a healthy and delicious summer drink. That in the summer heat you can enjoy the coolness naked. Of course, it can be prepared with different flavors. The one here is for the date flavour.


Dates: 10 tablets
Banana: 1 pc
Peanut butter: 2 tablespoons
Walnuts: 4 pcs
Cinnamon powder: as needed
Milk: two cups
Coconut powder: 2 tablespoons


How to prepare

First, we put the bananas in the freezer until they freeze.
Then we separate the skin and core of the dates and put them in the blender.
At this point, we add the coconut powder with walnut kernels, cinnamon powder and cold milk to the blender or blender and mix the ingredients until they are completely homogeneous.
Then we add the peanut butter to the blender and let it mix well with the rest of the ingredients.
In the final step, pour the batter ingredients into the dishes you want to serve. Garnish with coconut, pistachio powder, or whatever you like. And we put it in the fridge until serving time.
Our juice is ready, drink!

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How to prepare a date and coconut milkshake

We will learn about the types of hot and cold drinks with dates. Dates and coconut milkshake is a cold drink with dates. This drink is similar to date milk, with the difference that other flavors can be added to its recipe. How to prepare it is easy through the following steps.



Ice: 2 cups
Dates: 15 tablets
Coconut powder: 3 tablespoons
Milk: 1 cup


How to prepare

First, put the prepared ingredients in a blender and let it blend completely.
When the mixture is completely mixed, pour the drink into a glass and enjoy.
If you wish, you can decorate your drink with dates and coconut. If you want your drink to contain ice cream, you can use ice cream instead of ice cream.
Adding other ingredients to make dates and coconut milk is just as delicious, but if you are on a diet, it is best to use this recipe.


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How to prepare a date potion

This magic potion has many fans around the world. It is one of the most delicious drinks that can be prepared with dates.



Hill: half a teaspoon
Milk: 2 cups
Walnuts: 50 grams
Cream: 50 gr
Banana: 1 pc
Dates: 200 grams


How to prepare

In the first step, you need to peel the dates.
Then we put all the ingredients in the blender. to obtain a homogeneous substance.
Finally, pour it into a special cup. And according to your taste, decorate it with coconut powder, pistachios or something else.
Our potion is ready. enjoy your meal!

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How to prepare hot milk and dates

This hot date drink is perfect for those cold winter days. It’s just as easy to make as other stupid drinks.



Medium dates: 25 pieces
Milk: two cups
Cinnamon: half a teaspoon
Cardamom powder: half a teaspoon
Walnut powder: 2 teaspoons, to taste


How to prepare

Remove the core of the dates. If you like, you can also remove their skin.
Pour prepared dates with warm milk into mixing bowl. Leave it for at least half an hour. In this way, the dates soften and the date milk becomes sweeter.
After soaking the dates in milk, add a little vanilla. Stir well so that the milk and dates blend well.
Pour date milk into two glasses. To serve, you can add a few more dates per cup.
Taste the sweetness of the drink. If necessary, add date milk to the date nectar. You can have this drink as breakfast.
If it gets cold, you can put the mixture in the microwave or in a bowl and serve it hot.

.in the end

In this article, we got acquainted with cold and hot drinks with dates. All of the mentioned recipes can be easily prepared by spending some time. I don’t need to spend money in the coffee shop. We hope this article was useful to you. If you have experience preparing a drink with dates that is not on this list. Comment on the recipe for us and the users.

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